

  • Challenge yourself with this historic trek, the setting for some of the greatest displays of heroism of the Second World War
  • 8 full days trekking through the Papua New Guinean jungle in the footsteps of these famous warriors
  • Experience local village life and culture with stays close to traditional villages and secluded jungle camps
  • Develop an accurate insight into the history of the trail through your experienced guide
  • Plan your trip to coincide with Anzac Day in order to complete one of the most poignant battlefield pilgrimages in the world
  • Add on a trip to the Northern Beaches of Papua New Guinea prior to the trek to get a full perspective of the 1942 military campaign

For many, the Kokoda Track is a fitting reminder of the Australian Army's heroic battles in 1942 to defend Port Moresby, in extraordinary conditions, from the advancing forces of the Japanese. In the company of our expert guide, we trek across the geographical heart of Papua New Guinea following trails from the tropical rainforests to the rarified climes of the Owen Stanley Ranges. At night we stay in secluded jungle camps close to traditional villages in some of the most remote regions of PNG. We take our time, allowing plenty of opportunity to embrace the history and local culture as well as meet the physical demands of this rugged track. It takes eight days to cover the 96km trail - offering tremendous rewards and a feeling of accomplishment as we complete the trek between the township of Kokoda and the highlands.


Start and Finishing Point:



Grading:Moderate to Challenging   

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After all the planning and preparation, the wait is finally over. On arrival you will be met and taken to your hotel. In the late afternoon, a trek briefing by your leader will be held, and your camping gear will be distributed. Afterwards your group will get acquainted over dinner and discuss the adventure ahead. Overnight: Hilton Hotel (or similar)

Meals:  D

This morning we will be transferred to the Domestic Airport to catch the flight to Popondetta. The flight over the Owen Stanley Range takes approximately 30 minutes. Upon arrival we will meet up with our trekking team, and then drive to the Kokoda Track trailhead. Along the way there will be rest and photo stops. After arriving in Kokoda, if it is open we will visit the Kokoda Museum. Afterwards the group will commence the trek from Kokoda Station to the village of Hoi. While trekking, the porters will assist you wherever possible, to make your experience even more enjoyable and will keep you informed about the availability of water along the track. Approx Walking time/distance: 2-3hrs / 7.5km; Ascent: 151m, Descent: 51m.

Meals:  B,L,D

The first full day of the trail walk includes a trek through the lush green choko vines that reach into the canopy of the trees. We will continue to move up the Owen Stanley Range to Isurava Village and Battle site. A minute silence is held here to remember the soldiers who fought, and to also pay tribute to the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels. The battle site was lost for many years to the jungle, although today the site is cleared and serves as a memorial to the fallen soldiers that died in the Kokoda campaign. We relish in the history of the area visiting Bruce Kingsbury VC rock. There is a small war museum here and if open you can look inside and take photos (entry fee own expense). Then it's a short walk to tonight's campsite at Con's/Surgeon's Rock. Approx Walking time/distance: 7-8hrs / 11.3km; Ascent: 1273m, Descent: 376m.

Meals:  B,L,D

We have an early start today after a special service held at Con’s/Surgeon's Rock. Today's trek is quite challenging with our first steep down hill section which can be slippery if it is wet, followed by a creek crossing and then a steady uphill climb to Eora Creek campsite. Some trekkers say that tonight's campsite is their favourite spot, and you will understand why as the creek is a beautiful swimming place albeit a little chilly, which is great for your aching muscles! Approx Walking time/distance: 5-6hrs / 7km; Ascent: 403m, Descent: 441m.

Meals:  B,L,D

We rise early and prepare for a long hard day's hiking which will see us rise to the highest point on the track. Today we will pass many Australian weapon pits that were used in the fighting withdrawal in 1942, with rest stops at Templeton’s Crossing and Dump 1. After lunch we will proceed up the shoulder of Mt Bellamy and take in the view of the Kokoda Gap (2240m). We take our time and encourage each other as this section of the track can be quite difficult. From the gap we will trek down to Camp 1900 for the night, where there is a pleasant little stream to wash in. This campsite will be the coldest night's sleep you will have on the track. Approx Walking time/distance: 9-10hrs / 14.4km; Ascent: 1194m, Descent: 754m.

Meals:  B,L,D

This morning we trek to the beautiful village of Naduri. The track can be extremely slippery if it has rained, so take your time and watch your step. From Naduri there will be a steep descent followed by a steep ascent up to Efogi. There may be an opportunity here for a quick refreshing swim in the creek. We tackle another steep climb after lunch along a narrow pathway with steep drops to Brigade Hill which offers little shade, so remember to wear plenty of sunscreen. Brigade Hill is considered the most other-worldly and eerie campsite with the clouds often rolling in over the summit. Approx Walking time/distance: 8-9hrs / 13.1km; Ascent: 842m, Descent: 1335m.

Meals:  B,L,D

After an early morning dawn service we descend down to Menari. On the trek down the ridge the group will be shown the lookout to Menari, and be briefed on Japanese positions in the area during their advance. Whilst in Menari we will have a rest stop, and the local school students may gather to present a show for you. Trekkers are welcome to bring educational and stationary resources as gifts for the Menari School. Afterwards there will be another steep up and down over ‘The Wall’ through tree roots and mud, before stopping for lunch at Agulogo. Afterwards we will cross the Brown River. The remainder of the day will involve hiking through more muddy terrain and swamp following the Naoro River, culminating with another steep climb to our campsite at New Nauro Village. This is halfway up the nine false peaks and is the most comfortable campsite on the track. Approx Walking time/distance: 8-9hrs / 15.9km; Ascent: 840m, Descent: 1112m.

Meals:  B,L,D

Another challenging day starting with a trek up the ridge where it is easy to become discouraged with the remaining 9 false peaks. But the group encourages each other and before long you reach the top and trek down to the Japanese ladder (for lunch) and then it will be boots off to cross Ofi Creek. Reward yourself with a welcome wash at picturesque Ofi Creek. Afterwards the group will trek up and over the Ioribaiwa Ridge to the post war village. We will be briefed on the history that took place at this amazing place, which marks the location that the main Japanese forces got to, before being ordered to ‘advance to the rear’. The sunsets here are magical if the weather is kind to us, and the porters will quite often play football on the large grassed area. We continue and hike down through Dump 44 and onto Ua-Ule creek, keeping an eye out for sightings of the colourful and beautiful Bird of Paradise. Approx Walking time/distance: 6-7hrs / 11.9km; Ascent: 600m, Descent: 953m.

Meals:  B,L,D

We will cross the creek at least 17 times in our river shoes/sandals, before stopping for morning tea. Then we will have a challenging climb up Imita Ridge, so trekkers should be aware to pace yourself. The group now exhausted but eager to get to Owers Corner, we hike this morning to Goldie Creek where we will have a rest break. Then it's the final climb to Owers Corner where there are many cheers, photos and celebrations as we walk through the gates. There will be the opportunity to view the memorials, before boarding the transport to our hotel in Port Moresby. Enroute we will have a brief stop at Macdonald’s Corner, The Sogeri Junction, Rouna Falls and Bomana Cemetery. Tonight we will enjoy a celebration meal together (at own expense), and reminisce on the sights and experiences of the Kokoda Track. Trekkers must ensure that all their trekking gear is cleaned properly before the international flight to avoid any quarantine delays in Australia or your onward destination.

Meals:  B,L,D

After breakfast, you will be transferred by the hotel shuttle bus to the airport for your flight home.

Meals:  B

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If you are arriving on Day 1 of the trip you will be met and taken to your hotel. In the late afternoon, a trek briefing by your leader will be held, and your camping gear will be distributed. Afterwards your group will get acquainted over dinner (at your own expense) and discuss the adventure ahead. Overnight: Kokoda Trail Motel. NOTE: You must arrive in Port Moresby no later than 14:30hrs. If you cannot arrange a flight to arrive before this time, please ask us for details of transfers and pre-tour accommodation (additional cost applies) so that you can arrive the day before. HOTEL INFORMATION FOR THE ANZAC DAY 17-27 APRIL 2024 TRIP ONLY - Note that the pre-trek & post-trek hotels in Port Moresby are different for the Anzac Day 2024 trip. Pre-trek we will be using the Kokoda Trail Motel to allow for an early departure the next day to the trek start point. Post-trek we will be staying at the Hilton Hotel. Any left luggage will be stored securely at our operational base, and will be taken to the Hilton Hotel to collect post-trek.

Meals:  Nil

We depart from the hotel early this morning and head towards the Owen Stanley Range. With the improved gravel road, it is not too long before we arrive at Owers Corner, which marks the start of the Kokoda Track. There will be time to view the memorials before we commence trekking through the Owers Corner Gates. After a few hours you will arrive at Camp Goodwater, located at the southern foot of Imita Ridge. Then we will hike up to Imita Ridge, which is the southern most point where the Australians withdrew to during the Kokoda Campaign. At the top of the ridge you will be briefed on the events that occurred here. Descending off Imita Ridge takes you into yet more beautiful rainforest, following and crossing the Ua-Ule creek numerous times in our river shoes/sandals. Then it's a long ascent up to Dump 44 and onto Ioribaiwa. This village is located near the patch of Kunai grass where the Australians fought against the Japanese in an almost suicidal attack before the Australians withdrew back to Imita Ridge. While trekking, the porters will assist you wherever possible, to make your experience even more enjoyable and will keep you informed about the availability of water along the track. Approx Walking time/distance: 7-8hrs / 13.5km; Ascent: 460m, Descent: 855m.

Meals:  L,D

We will trek up and over the Ioribaiwa Ridge before descending to Ofi Creek. Then it's a challenging climb up the Maguli Range. The next few hours can be frustrating for trekkers as you encounter several false peaks. It was in this region that the Japanese mountain gun was located firing on Australian positions across the valley. We have a couple of welcome rest and meal stops before a steep descent down the ridge to New Nauro Village. Approx Walking time/distance: 4-5hrs / 10km; Ascent: 581m, Descent: 280m.

Meals:  B,L,D

Today will involve hiking through muddy swamp following the Naoro River and crossing the Brown River. Afterwards the challenge you will face is going up and over the ‘Wall’. The downhill track can be slippery in places and with the group looking out for each other, this encourages slow and steady steps, before arriving at Menari for the night. We will be briefed on the events of the war around Menari. The Japanese in an elevated position (during the Australian withdrawal) had the upper hand, and Australian soldiers were scattered and forced to retreat. We will stand in a similar position to the Japanese, overlooking the now peaceful village. Trekkers are welcome to bring educational and stationary resources as gifts for the Menari School. Approx Walking time/distance: 5-6hrs / 9km; Ascent: 695m, Descent: 610m.

Meals:  B,L,D

There will be a steep descent followed by a long ascent up to Brigade Hill, where you will learn about the hill’s significance, the Brigade Headquarters and the Japanese positions. A minute’s reverent silence is given to remember those who lost their lives. Afterwards we follow the track around to Mission Ridge, where we pause to imagine the Japanese lantern parade, which was viewed by the northern troops. While witnessing such an extraordinary sight, the Australian troops occupying wartime Efogi were ordered to withdraw further up the ridge closer to supporting fire. The trek continues down to the crossing of the Efogi River before the long climb up to Naduri. Approx Walking time/distance: 7-8hrs / 16km; Ascent: 1112m, Descent: 840m.

Meals:  B,L,D

We take in the magnificent view of the Kokoda Gap as we head up towards the highest point on the track up the shoulder of Mt Bellamy (2240m). After a rest stop at Dump 1, we descend down to our campsite at Templeton’s Crossing. Approx Walking time/distance: 8-9hrs / 14km; Ascent: 420m, Descent: 504m.

Meals:  B,L,D

From Templeton’s Crossing, we have a steep climb up and over a ridge before a long and slow descent into Eora Creek. The creek here has a beautiful swimming place albeit a little chilly, which is great for your aching muscles. Afterwards you will be briefed on the amazing events that the Australian soldiers were confronted with during their advance. Even though the Japanese had an elevated position, they were over run and forced to retreat when Australian troops bravely attacked their post. Afterwards we will continue up the track to tonight’s campsite at Abuari. Approx Walking time/distance: 6-7hrs / 10.7km; Ascent: 436m, Descent: 733m.

Meals:  B,L,D

Today we walk to Isurava Battle Site, which is where the soldiers dug in, stood their ground and fought as hard as they could against the oncoming Japanese force. During this confrontation they were outnumbered about 2 to 1, and the stone pillars, that stand today, mark the characteristics displayed by the men - ‘Courage, Endurance, Mateship, Sacrifice’. Approx Walking time/distance: 5-6hrs / 7.6km; Ascent: 376m, Descent: 1273m

Meals:  B,L,D

We will hold a special Anzac Day dawn service to remember those who served for their country. This will be an emotional experience and we slow down a little today to enjoy the moment and reflect on our own journey. After a late breakfast we will trek to Deneki through stunning scenery where choko vines have overtaken the vegetation along this part of the track. At Deneki, you are able to see down in the Yodda Valley, the Kokoda Airstrip in the distance. It is a further 3-4 hours trek to Kokoda. At Kokoda celebrations are enjoyed, and we will farewell the porters, the majority of whom will return to their villages. There may be an opportunity to visit the Kokoda War Museum (if open). Approx Walking time/distance: 6-7hrs / 16.3km; Ascent: 376m, Descent: 1273m

Meals:  B,L,D

This morning we will take a charter flight back to Port Moresby. Upon arrival in Port Moresby, we will be transferred to the Hilton Hotel (or similar). Enroute we will visit Bomana War Cemetery. Remainder of the afternoon is at leisure. Trekkers must ensure that all their trekking gear is cleaned properly before the international flight to avoid any quarantine delays in Australia or your onward destination. Tonight we will enjoy a celebration meal together (at own expense), and reminisce on the sights and experiences of the Kokoda Track.

Meals:  B

After breakfast, if you are leaving Papua New Guinea today, you will be transferred by the hotel shuttle bus to the airport for your flight home.

Meals:  Nil

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If you are arriving on Day 1 of the trip you will be met and taken to your hotel. In the late afternoon, a trek briefing by your leader will be held, and your camping gear will be distributed. Afterwards your group will get acquainted over dinner (at your own expense) and discuss the adventure ahead. Overnight: Hilton Hotel (or similar). NOTE: You must arrive in Port Moresby no later than 14:30hrs. If you cannot arrange a flight to arrive before this time, please ask us for details of transfers and pre-tour accommodation (additional cost applies) so that you can arrive the day before.

Meals:  Nil

In the early morning we will be transferred to the Domestic Airport to catch our flight over to the north side of the track to Kokoda. After arriving in Kokoda, we will take a walk to the Kokoda Museum (if open). Afterwards the group will commence the trek from Kokoda Station to Deniki which takes around 4 – 5 hours (depending on the pace of the group). While trekking, the porters will assist you wherever possible, to make your experience even more enjoyable and will keep you informed about the availability of water along the track. Deniki is a great little campsite with amazing views and is a fitting first night to camp. After a wash, the trekkers will share the evening meal before being briefed on the history and the next day’s journey. Approx Walking time/distance: 4-5hrs; 9.5km; Ascent: 459m, Descent: 51m.

Meals:  L,D

The first full day of the trail walk includes a trek through the lush green choko vines that reach into the canopy of the trees. We will continue to move up the Owen Stanley Range to Isurava Village and Battle site. A minute silence is held here to remember the soldiers who fought, and to also pay tribute to the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels. The battle site was lost for many years to the jungle, although today the site is cleared and serves as a memorial to the fallen soldiers that died in the Kokoda campaign. We relish in the history of the area visiting Bruce Kingsbury VC rock. There is a small war museum here and if open you can look inside and take photos (entry fee own expense). Then it's a short 15 minute walk to tonight's campsite at Con's/Surgeon's Rock. Approx Walking time/distance: 5-6hrs / 9.3km; Ascent: 890m, Descent: 376m.

Meals:  B,L,D

We have an early start today after a special service held at Con’s Rock. Today's trek is quite challenging with our first steep down hill section which can be slippery if it is wet, followed by a creek crossing and then a steady uphill climb to Eora Creek campsite. Some trekkers say that this is their favourite spot, and you will understand why as you stop for a rest. We enjoy lunch before spending 2 hours of solid climbing and will pass many Australian weapon pits that were used in the Australian Advance during the battles in 1942. With many short ascents and descents, this section of the track rises up and back down to river level at Templeton’s Crossing. The creek is a beautiful swimming place although it can be a little chilly which is great for your aching muscles. We meet again tonight as we do each night and reflect on the day, talk about the war history and cover what the next day entails. Approx Walking time/distance: 8-9hrs / 11km; Ascent: 722m, Descent: 441m.

Meals:  B,L,D

We rise early and prepare for a long hard day's hiking which will see us rise to the highest point on the track. Trekkers will stop for a rest at Dump 1 (the first supply dump from the Myola distribution area during the Kokoda campaign). We then proceed up to Mt Bellamy and stop to take in the view of the Kokoda Gap. We take our time and encourage each other for this section of the track can be quite difficult. From the gap we trek down to Kagi our campsite for the night. This village is set high upon a hill at the foot of Mt Bellamy. This campsite will be the coldest night's sleep you will have on the track. Approx Walking time/distance: 7-8hrs / 10.4km; Ascent: 667m, Descent: 467m.

Meals:  B,L,D

Setting off from Kagi we trek on to Efogi 2 Village, the track leading down to the river below Kagi can be extremely slippery if it has rained, so take your time and watch your step. Efogi 2 is a very beautiful village and the group will stay just beside the church in the centre of the village locals may have some local fruits and gifts for sale. Naduri was the location of Ovuru Ndiki one of the last Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels, who sadly passed away in November 2013. We now visit his tomb and pay our respects. From Efogi 2 we plunge down to the river before a short ascent to Efogi for lunch. We can also stop for a quick swim in the creek before lunch to cool down. After lunch, ensure you are wearing sun screen as we spend quite a long period out in the open climbing up to Brigade Hill. Brigade Hill is the most eerie place to camp and often the clouds roll in over the summit. Approx Walking time/distance: 5-6hrs / 9km; Ascent: 433m, Descent: 997m.

Meals:  B,L,D

After an emotional early morning dawn service we descend down to Menari, on the trek down the ridge the group will be shown the lookout to Menari, and be briefed on Japanese positions in the area during their advance. The group will then move down to the creek and up to the guesthouse for a rest. While in Menari the school students may gather to present a show for you. Trekkers can bring educational and stationary resources as gifts for the students. From Menari the group will trek up towards the top of ‘The Wall’ here the group will have a rest and take our time descending down the wall amongst all of the tree roots and mud. We stop for lunch at Agulogo, and it is not long before boots are off, for the crossing of the Brown River. The next 2 hours you will trek through the muddy Swamp below following the Naoro River, then slowly climb our way up to New Nauro Village where a welcome rest and our campsite is for the night; this is halfway up the nine false peaks and is the most comfortable campsite on the track. Approx Walking time/distance: 8-9hrs / 15.9km; Ascent: 840m, Descent: 1112m.

Meals:  B,L,D

After Nauro we will trek up the ridge where it is easy to get discouraged with the remaining 9 false peaks. But the group encourages each other and before long you reach the top and trek down to the Japanese ladder to Ofi Creek campsite for morning tea. This trek will take around 2-3 hours, depending on the pace of the group. At Ofi Creek you can enjoy another welcomed wash, at yet another beautiful location. The group will trek up and over the Ioribaiwa Ridge to the post-war village for lunch. Today we discover the 2 locations near the trail where the Japanese had some organised defensive positions during their withdrawal. Descending from Ioribaiwa village through Dump 44 and onto Ua-Ule Creek we will cross the creek numerous times (17 times in total in this valley and approximately 8 today) before stopping for the evening. This is a terrific swimming hole to enjoy your last night on the track. This night the trekkers often pass the hat around to tip the porters. Approx Walking time/distance: 7-8hrs / 16km; Ascent: 600m, Descent: 1276m.

Meals:  B,L,D

This morning we continue along the creek before approaching the northern foot of Imita Ridge, (where the Salvos had a ‘Hop In’ tent erected during the war, serving refreshments to the soldiers) here we make our climb up Imita Ridge. It is quite a challenging climb and trekkers should be aware to pace themselves. At the top after a group picture and briefing, the team will take the trek down to Imita base (Goodwater) camp for a rest. The group now exhausted but eager to get to Owers Corner, we progress on for just a few short hours to Goldie Creek. Trekkers welcome the great opportunity here to cool down in the water before morning tea. After leaving Goldie we trek up the last climb to Owers Corner where there are many cheers, photos and celebrations as trekkers walk through the gates. There will be an opportunity here to view the memorials, before boarding transport, for the last trip back to Port Moresby and the last night at the Hotel. On the way, you will have a brief stop at Macdonald’s Corner, The Sogeri Junction, Rouna Falls and Bomana Cemetery. Tonight we will enjoy a celebration meal together (at own expense), and reminisce on the sights and experiences of the Kokoda Track. Trekkers must ensure that all their trekking gear is cleaned properly before the international flight to avoid any quarantine delays in Australia or your onward destination. Approx Walking time/distance: 5-6hrs / 11.2km; Ascent: 777m, Descent: 460m.

Meals:  B,L

After breakfast, if you are leaving Papua New Guinea today, you will be transferred by the hotel shuttle bus to the airport for your flight home.

Meals:  Nil

Learning outcomes for students

World Expeditions Schools journeys are designed to encourage positive personal development and the learning of life skills, while leaving the communities and environments we travel to, in a better condition than when we arrived.
The programs are designed to:
• build strong friendships and bonds with their peers, their teachers, and the local people they meet.
• increase the confidence to engage with new people, and collaboratively make informed decisions.
• discover the benefits of working cooperatively together as a cohesive team, to achieve a common objective.
• Increase the ability to face, and cope with, mental and physical challenges and therefore increase resilience.
• give students a chance to appreciate and care for the natural world. The environments we travel through are beautiful and often pristine, invariably the students will gain a deeper appreciation and understanding about how their individual actions impact on the environment.
• Learn personal skills i.e., time management, personal hygiene, responsibility for personal gear, patience, tolerance, and public speaking.
We help encourage students to learn what it means to be a true global citizen.


  • teachers from St Margaret's Berwick Grammar travelling on the journey
  • all meals as per the detailed itinerary
  • all internal transport
  • expert western trek leader
  • experienced local head guide and expedition crew
  • all group camping and cooking equipment
  • emergency radio communication equipment, satellite phone
  • emergency medical kit
  • accommodation on a share basis in rest huts when in villages
  • hotel accommodation in Port Moresby, twin share
  • internal flight from Port Moresby to Popondetta
  • transfers to and from Kokoda Track
  • private transportation
  • use of hiking tent and rucksack (use in PNG only)
  • Bomana War Cemetery visit; memorial and museum entry fees along the track

  • Sleeping bag and sleeping mat
  • Tips and gratuities
  • Personal expenses such as bar, telephone and laundry bills
  • Porter charges if required approx AUD$750 in 2024 & AUD$780 in 2025 payable locally in AUD Cash (subject to change). This means you only carry your day's necessities in a small day pack. The personal porter is attached to the group for 9 days. This amount pays for the porter's wages, track food & equipment, accommodation and meals in Port Moresby and Popondetta, air fares and road transport, medical etc. The personal porter must be requested at least one month in advance.
  • Visa
  • Travel insurance (compulsory)

About Your Leader

Your tour leader is an experienced Australian man or woman with extensive knowledge of the history and geographical features of the Kokoda Track, wilderness first aid training, in addition to being an experienced trekker. There is also an experienced local head guide, cook, plus an experienced team of group porters to carry the team's food and cooking equipment.


Moderate to Challenging

This trip is graded ‘moderate to challenging’ under our fitness grading system. We recommend people begin their fitness preparation immediately upon booking. Solid work-outs that are aerobic (ie. hill walking, jogging, swimming, bike riding or gym work) of 45 mins to 1 hour four times a week is a guide to a routine training program. This should be combined with hill walking in rugged terrain, with a pack that weighs approx 15kgs, in variable weather conditions. The amount of training and preparation you do beforehand can determine the amount of enjoyment you have on the track. Medical assessments, performed by a medical practitioner are required to be performed when booking to assess your suitability for this trip.

Why travel with us

Why travel with us

Assisted over
14,000 Students Worldwide

Since the 1980's, we have helped students from around the globe to experience the world's most exciting destinations, allowing them to travel, give, grow.

400+ Service Learning

Together with students, we have completed over 400 Service Learning programs in developing countries. We will always continue to support causes including social justice, animal welfare, the environment and more.

Fully Customised
School Travel Programs

Want to include service learning, your school curriculum and a physical challenge, or any of the above? Contact us and we can design a program fully catered for your students and budget.

Safety and
Support - Our #1 Priority

Every school receives a detailed risk management plan that is guided by government advisories and the local partners we work with. We never compromise on the safety of your students to reduce the price of the program.

Kokoda Track Testimonials

Kokoda Track Videos

Kokoda Trail trek - things you need to know | World Expeditions

Want to find out more?

Our educational travel experts are ready to help you tailor an itinerary or service learning project to suit your school’s needs and budget. Contact us today to receive a free consultation.

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World Expeditions Schools is our specialist division dedicated to organising tailor made overseas school group adventures. Specialists in Service Learning projects, choose from more destinations than any other school group provider.
<img src='/portals/World%20Expeditions/Icons/brands/small/YOM.jpg' class='brandPopoverIcon' alt="Yomads"> <div class='brandPopoverBrandName'>Yomads</div>
Yomads offers adventures for the 20s and 30s on six continents. Designed as a way to bring young and likeminded travellers together, Yomads caters to those interested in lightly structured and active trips that allow freedom to roam and explore.
<img src='/portals/World%20Expeditions/Icons/brands/small/ACT.jpg' class='brandPopoverIcon' alt="Australian Cycle Tours"> <div class='brandPopoverBrandName'>Australian Cycle Tours</div>
Australian Cycle Tours specialises in high quality self guided and guided cycling experiences in a selection of the most beautiful regions in Australia.
<img src='/portals/World%20Expeditions/Icons/brands/small/WEX.jpg' class='brandPopoverIcon' alt="World Expeditions"> <div class='brandPopoverBrandName'>World Expeditions</div>
The pioneers of original, worldwide adventure travel holidays since 1975
<img src='/portals/World%20Expeditions/Icons/brands/small/TJX.jpg' class='brandPopoverIcon' alt="Trail Journeys"> <div class='brandPopoverBrandName'>Trail Journeys</div>
Self-guided cycling experts on New Zealand's Otago Rail Trail and more
<img src='/portals/World%20Expeditions/Icons/brands/small/BMAC.jpg' class='brandPopoverIcon' alt="Blue Mountains Adventure Company"> <div class='brandPopoverBrandName'>Blue Mountains Adventure Company</div>
The original Blue Mountains canyoning, hiking, climbing and abseiling experts
<img src='/portals/World%20Expeditions/Icons/brands/small/GWNZ.jpg' class='brandPopoverIcon' alt="Great Walks of New Zealand"> <div class='brandPopoverBrandName'>Great Walks of New Zealand</div>
Explore New Zealand's most spectacular wilderness regions with the self-guided hiking experts
<img src='/portals/World%20Expeditions/Icons/brands/small/NAA.jpg' class='brandPopoverIcon' alt="North America Active"> <div class='brandPopoverBrandName'>North America Active</div>
USA Canada hiking & cycling tour specialists, choose from self-guided or guided trips